Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Miss Kitty ?? - 3/4/2013

Plus one

It looks like Miss Kitty is riding in a basket.

Today is the first day without Miss Kitty.  Patti and I slept very poorly, there was a lot of tossing and turning.  As with most days I woke up early without Patti.  Normally this is very fun for the cat and she takes about 20 minutes from me with demanding pets and attention.  Needless to say I got out of the house early enough that a co-worker commented on it and I rode my bicycle to work today.

The house is so empty and quiet.  I don't know how a nine pound cat can fill a space so well but she did.  I worked from home today and it was weird to not have the kitty moving around and demanding pets.  I got a lot done but who cares about that.

We have cat beds and nests all over the house.  I broke down while touching one today.  Miss Kitty's burnt waffle smell is gone from all of them.  I don't know where that came from but it was very unique.  

I made a pact with myself to not play video games until Miss Kitty was gone, but I don't even want to now.  

We have been cleaning out some of her stuff and making a small area for the rest.  The cat tower is on craigslist for free and so is her litter box cabinet.  We have her basket, some hair and a couple toys.  We will also will keep her food dish when we unpack it.

I ordered a nice album of pictures of Miss Kitty from shutterfly, they have a great setup.  I also got a few pictures for frames.  I could use them at work and at home.

Well that is today.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Saying goodbye

She was a queen

happy endings euthanasia came out to the house and made the goodbye process so much easier.  I told Dr. Fixler what was going on with Miss Kitty.  After that was done, he told me about the process.  Miss Kitty was on a sleeping bag and she hasn't been feeling good all day.  He got out the sedative and Patti kept the front of Miss Kitty busy.  We waited a few minutes and Miss Kitty started to let her head sink to the sleeping bag.  She hasn't really put her head down all day, so it was nice to see her relax.

We turned her on her side and she was breathing nice and slowly.  Dr. Fixler started the next phase by shaving her arm and putting in the IV.  He put a pad to catch any fluids from Miss Kitty.  She didn't even flinch during this process.  He told us that we could give her the shot anytime now.  We didn't want her to hurt anymore so we said to do it.

He explained that Miss Kitty might have some extra breaths or other involuntary reactions.  She didn't end up having those things.  Dr. Fixler gave her the big shot and she stopped breathing within 10 seconds.  Next Dr. Fixler and his assistant gave us a couple minutes alone to say goodbye.  This was a very teary 5 minutes.  We both sad goodbye and told her she was the best kitty.

They came back into the house and he laid out the towel and told us what was going to happen next.  He wrapped up the towel nicely and removed the wrinkles.  It was super nice.  They took our baby and headed for the door.

Patti and I held each other crying for a few minutes.

Miss Kitty
?? - 3/4/2013

The Last

I think this is one of my favorite pictures of me and Miss Kitty.

I can't help but think of all the lasts today.  This is the last time she will wake up, her last nap, her last meow, the last time I will see her and the last time I will hold her. 

Kitty has no idea.  Her mouth hurts so she doesn't want to be pet, but she doesn't know that this is the last day for her on Earth. 

Scheduling the appointment

This might be the last picture I take of my kitty.  There is a dog in the yard next door and kitty likes to keep an eye on it.

We woke up today and Miss Kitty had more blood on her chin.  More importantly she didn't want to be pet at all.  She meowed each time and tried to avoid it.  She didn't eat that much last night and she hasn't touched the fresh can from this morning.

I spent a couple hours with her outside, she wouldn't let me near but I sat outside with her.

I called the at home euthanasia this morning at 9am and left a message.  They called me back and she went over the process and costs.  We scheduled it for 4pm.  I scheduled the death of my cat at 4pm.  I scheduled the last time I will hear her meow at 4pm.  I scheduled the end of her mouth pain at 4pm.

She complains when I pet her now, almost each time.  I have stopped so that I don't upset her.  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Just a few drops

Today Miss Kitty came in from the backyard, and looked at me from across the room.  I could see that she had blood on her chin from 20ft.  She didn't seem to be in pain, so we put her up on the cat tower for a closer inspection.  There wasn't a noticeable ulcer or cut.  She might have ruptured the skin with her back claw.  We got a paper towel wet and cleaned the area.  She didn't go out of her way to avoid it.

The rest of the day was spent doting over the cat.  We pet her and gave her brush time and everything else we could think of.  I sent a quick email to our doctor and we worried the day away.  She didn't have any more issues and we asked for an appointment in 2 days.

We are hoping for more time, we haven't had long enough with this bad kitty. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day to my two ladies.  Patti eventually picked up the cat and got a nice picture.  Miss Kitty can't be bothered to look at the camera.  She really doesn't like her Friskies anymore, she loves that Merricks food.  We are waiting for a shipment from the internet, but it is taking its sweet time.

We hope that she is just being picky and that her jaw isn't hurting already.